Penile Implant in Turkey Male Enhancement Surgery in Turkey

Male Enhancement surgery and augmentation, also known as “Penoplasty,” is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to increase the length and girth of the penis. 

Historically, cosmetic surgeries were primarily sought by women to address concerns about their physical appearance. However, these procedures have seen a significant rise in popularity among men. 

Today, men are not only keenly interested in plastic surgery but are also pursuing facial, body, and genital aesthetic procedures with increasing frequency.

What is Male Enhancement Surgery?

Male Enhancement Surgery in Turkey

Male Enhancement surgery, a significant aspect of genital aesthetics, primarily addresses concerns regarding the size, thickness, and functionality of the penis.

This type of surgery encompasses various procedures, not limited to merely lengthening or thickening the penis. 

It also offers solutions for a range of issues such as deformities in the penis, penile curvature, or appearance disorders resulting from improper circumcision.

This discussion will specifically concentrate on the aspect of penis aesthetic surgery that is focused on enlargement.

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How Long Should a Normal Penis Be?

Penis Enlargement Surgery, a key component of genital aesthetics, is often misunderstood as a procedure only for those with a penis size below the normal range. However, this is not the case. 

Male Enhancement Surgery and augmentation surgeries are aesthetic operations offered to individuals who are dissatisfied with the size or thickness of their penis, regardless of whether it falls within the normal size range. 

It’s important to note that these surgeries are not just about increasing length or girth; they also make the part of the penis that is internally buried more visible.

To address common curiosity, normal penis size can vary based on factors such as race, country, or region. Generally, an erect penis length of 10-17 cm is considered normal. 

This range aligns with the average length of a woman’s vagina. While there is extensive research and data on ideal penis sizes, focusing too much on these specifics can detract from the main point.

The key factor in penis aesthetic surgery is not the actual length of the penis, but the individual’s satisfaction with it. 

This surgery is applicable to patients with a wide range of penis sizes, typically excluding those with a condition known as Micro Penis, where the penis is less than 2 cm in length. Micro Penis is a distinct condition, and penis extension surgery is not effective for these patients.

Male Enhancement Surgery is primarily an aesthetic, not functional, operation, where the patient’s desire and satisfaction with their penis size are the central considerations.

How to Enlarge a Penis?

Male Enhancement Surgery in Turkey

Male Enhancement Surgery, in the context of genital aesthetics, refers to two specific procedures: lengthening and thickening of the penis. 

These procedures can be performed separately or combined in a single operation, depending on the individual’s needs. Some may seek enlargement due to dissatisfaction with their penis length, while others may be concerned about its girth.

Before opting for plastic surgery, many patients experiment with various non-surgical methods such as drugs or exercises purported to enlarge the penis.

However, it’s important to clarify that natural penis enlargement methods, other than surgery, are not effective.

Drugs marketed for Male Enhancement Surgery may produce temporary effects, often related to thickening rather than lengthening, but these are not permanent solutions and can be harmful due to potential side effects.

Regarding penis enlargement exercises, their origin is often misunderstood. These exercises are sometimes recommended by doctors after Male Enhancement Surgery to enhance surgical outcomes or to prevent post-operative complications. 

However, they are not suitable for everyone and are not capable of achieving enlargement on their own. Moreover, attempting these exercises without proper guidance can cause irreversible damage to the penis, including bleeding, tearing, and deformations.

Given these considerations, the only reliable and effective method for penis enlargement and thickening remains surgical intervention.

Let’s delve into the details of how penis aesthetics is used to achieve penis extension and thickening.

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Male Enhancement Surgery and Thickening Techniques

Male Enhancement Surgery and thickening involve various techniques, tailored to the individual patient’s current condition. 

One of the primary methods for Male Enhancement Surgery is the Ligament Transection technique. Here’s an overview of this method:

Ligament Transection in Male Enhancement Surgery:

Suspensory Ligament Role:

Male Enhancement Surgery in Turkey

The suspensory ligament is a connective tissue that attaches the internal portion of the penis to the pelvis. Approximately half of the penis is located inside the body, supported by this ligament.


The technique involves loosening this connective tissue, thereby releasing the internal part of the penis. This action effectively increases the length of the external portion of the penis. It’s important to note that the term “Ligament Transection” refers to the loosening rather than complete cutting of the ligament.

Initially, the entire ligament was cut, but the procedure has evolved to cutting and loosening about 80% of the ligament, based on findings that cutting only 20% at the bottom does not significantly contribute to elongation.

Variability in Results:

The extent of lengthening achieved through this surgery varies from person to person, depending on their anatomical structure.

It’s not possible to determine the exact increase in length prior to the surgery. On average, an increase of about 2-5 cm in length can be expected post-surgery.

These two critical points highlight the complexity and individualized nature of the Ligament Transection technique used in penis enlargement surgeries. 

The method focuses on modifying existing anatomical structures to achieve the desired increase in visible penis length.

In Male Enhancement Surgery, several techniques are employed to enhance both the size and appearance of the penis. Here’s an overview of three such techniques:

Supra-pubic V-Y Plasty

Male Enhancement Surgery in Turkey

  • Purpose: This technique is utilized to support penis enlargement by facilitating skin development in the pubic area.
  • Procedure: The surgery involves creating a reverse Y-shaped incision in the suprapubic area.
  • Healing: Post-surgery, a suture mark in the shape of a reversed Y is visible, but this typically fades significantly within a few months.

Supra-pubic Liposuction

  • Indication: This procedure is particularly effective for cases of what is termed an “embedded penis.” This condition, more common in middle-aged men, occurs when excess fat in the pubic area makes the penis appear shorter than it is.
  • Procedure: Liposuction is performed in the pubic region to reduce the fatty tissue, making the penis appear longer.
  • Results: Depending on the amount of fat removed, an apparent lengthening of about 1-1.5 cm can be achieved.

Peno-scrotal Plasty

  • Purpose: This method is used when there is an abnormal combination of the penis and scrotum (testicle bag).
  • Condition Addressed: In some men, the scrotal skin attaches to the middle of the penis, visually creating the illusion of a shorter penis, a condition often referred to as “turkey neck.”
  • Procedure: The technique involves correcting the skin attachment, thus eliminating this appearance disorder.
  • Outcome: Post-procedure, there is a significant improvement in the perceived length of the penis.

Each of these techniques addresses specific aesthetic concerns and anatomical conditions, contributing to the overall goal of Male Enhancement Surgery.

The choice of technique depends on the individual patient’s needs and the surgeon’s assessment of the most effective approach for each case.

Penis thickening

penuma implant

Penis thickening can be achieved using methods like fat injection, composite tissue transfer, or fillers. 

The most effective and commonly used filler is autologous fat grafting, where fat is harvested from the patient’s own body. This is our preferred method for penile thickening, as it is for other body enhancements.

The fat is extracted from the patient’s abdominal area using liposuction, prepared for injection, and then injected around the penis.

This procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with penile lengthening surgery. It’s also repeatable if necessary. 

Since a portion of the injected fat is naturally absorbed over time, some patients may request additional treatments. The rate of absorption varies significantly among individuals. 

In some cases, the effects can last 5-6 years, while others may need a repeat procedure after just 6 months. Typically, 30-70% of the fat is absorbed within the first six months.

However, over-injecting fat does not improve results and can lead to early erectile dysfunction. Excessive fat around the penis can hinder blood flow, making it difficult to achieve an erection. To prevent such complications, it’s crucial to choose an experienced surgeon for the procedure.

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The procedure of Male Enhancement Surgery involves severing the superficial and suspensory ligaments that anchor the penis to the pelvic bone.

While it might seem straightforward in concept, it’s a complex surgery requiring substantial surgical expertise. 

Conducted as open surgery in an operating room, the choice of anesthesia—general or regional—depends on the specific method and the patient’s condition. The surgery typically takes about an hour.

Penis thickening involves injecting fat, harvested from the patient’s own body through liposuction, into the skin around the penis. 


This can be done under general or local anesthesia, particularly if thickening is the sole procedure being performed. 


The process usually lasts about an hour and doesn’t necessitate an overnight hospital stay.

During the surgery, patients do not experience pain due to the anesthesia. However, postoperative pain can occur, especially in the abdomen, lasting for about a week if enlargement is performed. 


Pain is common in the areas where fat is removed, but it’s manageable by following the doctor’s advice. Penis lengthening typically does not cause pain in or around the penis.

After Male Enhancement Surgery, patients are typically discharged the next day. Full recovery usually takes about 3 weeks.

For the initial 5-7 days post-surgery, it’s advised to avoid bathing, steam baths, solariums, and sunbathing. Dressing care is crucial during this period.

Patients are recommended to refrain from driving and undertaking long journeys for a week following the surgery.

If your job is not physically demanding, you can usually return to work after 1 week. However, if your job involves heavy lifting or is physically strenuous, a 4 weeks leave is advisable.

Physical activities and light sports exercises can be resumed after 2 weeks, but intense or heavy training should be avoided for at least 30 days. Doctor’s approval is necessary before resuming such activities.

Patients should wait a minimum of 21 days before engaging in sexual intercourse following penis enlargement surgery. 


Doctor’s approval is essential before resuming any sexual activity, including masturbation.

Penis enlargement surgeries are aesthetic in nature and do not typically impact the penis’s functional tissues, nerves, or veins.

Therefore, issues like erection problems, premature ejaculation, or decreased sexual desire are unlikely to arise post-surgery. 

These surgeries are intended to address aesthetic concerns and do not contribute to the improvement or deterioration of existing sexual function issues.

Modern penis extension surgeries do not generally result in penile curvature. In the past, complete severing of the suspensory ligament sometimes led to curvature during erection, but current techniques, which preserve about 20% of the ligament, minimize this risk.

Penis enlargement surgery does not affect the urinary tract. The procedure is focused on the penile structure and does not interfere with the urinary system.

Penis enlargement surgeries have no impact on fertility. These procedures are concerned with the physical appearance of the penis and do not involve the reproductive organs or their functions.

Post-surgery, there may initially be changes in the skin’s appearance, but the penis typically regains its normal look within 3 weeks. The surgical incision is small and placed in an area that heals easily. 

Dissolvable sutures are used, making the surgical scar less noticeable over time. Therefore, it becomes virtually impossible to detect that penis enlargement surgery was performed once the recovery period concludes.

Like any surgical procedure, Male Enhancement Surgery has its risks, aside from the general anesthesia risks:

  • Infection: To mitigate infection risk, meticulous care and dressing of the surgical area are vital, along with timely doctor visits.
  • Edema: Mild swelling around the penis post-surgery is common and usually resolves within 15 days. Persistent swelling, though rare, requires immediate medical attention.
  • Cyanosis: Bruising is a normal postoperative occurrence, but it should resolve quickly. Prolonged bruising should be evaluated by a doctor.

Congestion (Hematoma): A common complication, resulting from bleeding into the tissue where fat is removed. Modern surgical techniques have significantly reduced the risk, but immediate medical attention is necessary if it occurs.

The cost of Male Enhancement Surgery in Turkey can vary widely based on several factors, including the specific procedures involved, the type of anesthesia used, the facility where the surgery is performed, and the experience of the surgeon and their team. 

Because of these variables, it’s difficult to provide a precise cost without a direct consultation. 

However, we can say that as Turkey is a major destination for Medical tourism in the world, these kinds of procedures are around 70% less than the common cost in the EU, USA, and Australia.

To get an accurate estimate of the cost for penis enlargement surgery, it’s recommended to contact us directly. 

We will provide specific details about your case and receive a more tailored cost estimate that meets your needs.


Male Enhancement Surgery in Turkey, known as Penoplasty, has evolved into a pivotal aspect of cosmetic and genital aesthetics, addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of male enhancement. 

The rising interest in such surgeries among men highlights a shift towards more gender-inclusive aesthetic improvements. 

The procedures, including advanced techniques like Ligament Transection and Supra-pubic V-Y Plasty, are tailored to individual needs, underscoring the expertise and meticulous care at Istanbul urology clinic in Turkey as it’s emerging to be a significant medical tourism destination, these surgeries are not only accessible but also cost-effective compared to the EU, USA, and Australia. 

This fusion of quality, affordability, and comprehensive care makes Turkey an ideal choice for those seeking to enhance their physical appearance and boost their self-esteem through Male Enhancement Surgery. 

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